የአዲስ አበባ ከተማ መንገዶች ባለስልጣን

የአዲስ አበባ ከተማ መንገዶች ባለስልጣን

የአዲስ አበባ ከተማ መንገዶች ባለስልጣን

he establishment of Addis Ababa heralded the beginning of a new era in the history of Ethiopia. Emperor Minilik ll, who aspired to create and gradually build a strong and modern Ethiopia, founded his capital on the site occupied by his forebears. It had been prophesied that Emperor Minlik ll would build city at Entoto about eight kilometers north of Felwuha. He camped there, and returned to it after his various campaigns’ strategic significance of the spot was highly considered in the emperor’s choice of the site which like Ankobar was in an imposing position overlooking verdant plains. In additional, the site was on the watershed of the Blue Nile and was, therefore, convenient for easy access to most of the central province.

Emperor Minlik ll and his consort meanwhile were being attracted south wards by the hot springs of Felwuha where they often spent many days, accompanied by their entries court. They chose to make this area of lower elevation their capital in no time. In those days, the houses at Entoto, though well- constructed, were cold. At the end of accompanied by their retinue, went down for the second time to Felwuha where a large number of tents were erected. Taytu, admiring the beauty of scenery from the door of her tent and rearming on the softness of the climate, asked Emperor Minlik ll to give her a plot of land on which she would build a house and, soon after her request, a beautiful edifice was erected on the land she earned through beautiful words.

In 1887, Taytu once more left entoto and settled in her new house above the hot springs and began building the nascent town. All the chefs were offered land around the royal area, and individually, began to build their own dwellings the army loved staying there. Tatu was so struck, it is said, by the beauty of the flowing Mimosas (flowing trees with sensitive leaves) in the area where she decided to establish her town, and gave the area the name still intact Addis Ababa (meaning ‘’new flower’’ in Amharic ). Gradually, fellahin gained the approval of Emperor Minilik ll to be apolitical center of the capital of the country in general and Addis Ababa in particular, initially, they came to Ethiopia through the ancient ports of red sons flowing the resounding victory of Ethiopians over Italians aggressors at the battle of Adwa, many foregoing nationals begin to visit and in habit Addis Ababa, They played a great role mainly in the development of Addis Ababa. Armenians, Indians, Greeks, Italians, the French, Arabs and the like built historical residents, palaces, churches, mosques, monuments, roads and bridges in Addis Ababa. Moreover, originally a settlement at Merkato, which is the largest open-market in Africa, was established by Italians, and the Ethio-Djibouti railway was constructed by the French company. Especially Armenians and Greeks had close ties with the charismatic.


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